Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

How to photograph the milky way

The milkyway 1. Photographing the Milky Way Milkyway became a favorite object for many photographers, no wonder many people are willing to spend a lot of time to simply photograph the beauty of Milkyway . Definition of milkyway we can read here. Usually photographing milky way carried in high places such as mountains, hills, or a place that has a certain height. Many have asked and wondered about the phenomenon of the sky at night as the Milkyway, this time we will discuss about some tips that will make Mikyway look more attractive. Let s start from the initial preparation. 2. Preparation (Equipment) Some equipment that we must bring / we put on when going to shoot Milkyway is as follows: • Tripod As so I often discuss in another article, that the tripod is mandatory items that must always be in our bag. In addition to its primary function which is intended to reduce vibration in the camera, tripod also be retaining the camera when shooting with a long exposure time. (Read more abo

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