Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015

How to photograph jewelry

Jewelry Photography 1. Photographing jewelry. Jewelry, an object with a unique beauty, this beauty will look perfect if immortalized in the form of a photograph. If we talk about the appeal that led to the offer for a transaction (using a photograph as a marketing medium). We will talk about the beauty of the diamond so that we can visually display products, is very important to influence consumer appeal to buy the product. However, in this article we will discuss tips and tricks on how to take the diamond just right. Some people ask how to photograph jewelry? Because they confuse the right way to capture the beauty of a piece of jewelry. One of the reasons why photographing jewelry is difficult because jewelry is an object that reflects light, further we will discuss in the points below. 2. Camera settings. • Resolution Actually, the resolution for shooting a jewelry depends on its purpose, if only to display at instagram or other social media we just simply need a regular camera w

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