Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Bird photography tips

Bird photography tips 1. Photographing birds. Photographing birds is closely connected with wildlife photography or what is often called the shooting of animals in the wild. Of course, the technique used in this kind of photography. is no different from technique of wildlife photography . Photographing birds, means we will be photographing in the wild. Of course, a photographer should equip themselves with supporting photographic devices. 2. Equipment needed. • Telephoto lenses Shooting birds need a telephoto lens with a focal point of 300mm, 400mm or even 600mm. • Tripod Tripod is mandatory equipment as I often say in previous articles, these helper tools like a photographer s assistant in every activity of photography. • Body camera (as a backup / additional) Generally wild photographer also carry more than one camera body while hunting. In addition to the reserves as well as to reduce the frequency of exchange of the lens or film. 3. Tips and tricks • Camouflage Animals suc

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