Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015

Photography composition tips

Composition tips 1. Learn about: photography composition tips. Learn about the composition of course is not difficult, a lot of tutorials and examples that help us in learning composition in photography. Composition is is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art Source of wikipedia. With reference to the definition or understanding of composition in photography we can conclude that this composition learn about the placement of visual elements on the photo frame. Lets say we have an object such as a tree, if we learning composition the questions that will arise is How can this tree looks attractive in photo frame? Is placed on the left? Right? Or even better if placed in the middle ?. This question will be answered in this article that I titled photography composition tips. 2. Tips and trick about composition. • Learn the rule of thirds on photography. On several cameras SLR / DSLR, usually already equipped with grid so we stayed enable the gri

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